Friday, August 15, 2008

Content vs Context - The Future of Advertising

This video from the Cannes Young Lions series poses an interesting question that gets at the heart of what advertising will look like in 20 years: is great storytelling the key to getting people to pay attention, or is the new model all about providing something useful? If you agree that brilliant storytelling and great content drives people to pay attention to brands, then really nothing will have changed except for an exponential growth in the number of communication channels. However, if Nick Law is right, then people will be annoyed by storytelling and just want brands to give them tools that make their lives easier. Personally, I think the debate here is too black and white. Yes, great storytelling makes people more likely to pay attention, especially in the case of brands that are selling emotional/image based benefits. However, if your product has more functional benefits, or is complex (e.g. technology, cars, a mortgage) then storytelling is not the primary thing - you want information and helpful tools first, engaging content and narrative comes second. What do you think advertising will look like in 2028?

Hilarious Critique on Agency Process

Thanks to Alan Wolk's blog for turning me on to this brilliant critique on how messed up the creative development process can be. If only it weren't so close to the truth!